Email Notification Setup

Step 1: Setting up a GMAIL account.

  • Go to My Account setting page, click on the square and click my account.

    *Click on the images below to view in full screen.*image1-Sep-28-2020-04-01-06-40-PM
  • Click Signing in to Google.

  • 3. Click Allow all less secure apps on.

    Step 2 – Setting DVR/NVR Configurations

    1. Setting Up Email Notifications on DVR/NVR


  • Go to Main Menu/Set-across bottom/Network-on the left/Email-across the top
  • Check off “Enable

  • The SMTP Server will be “

  • SMTP Port is “465

  • Enable the box for “Open SSL

  • The “Username” and “Password” must be your Gmail login information

  • Enter the “Sender Name”, this must be the same as your Gmail email I.E.

  • Receiver 1-3” is the email address of the person(s) who will be receiving the alert email notifications.

    This does not have to be a Gmail address it can be anything you would like

  • Click the “Mail Test” button to make sure you get a successful connection. If not, refer to Gmail account and make sure Less Secure Apps is turned On and all information is entered correctly. Once you get a success message Click “Apply” to save. Enabling Motion Detection Emails

2. Enabling Motion Detection Emails
  • Go to Main Menu/Set-across the bottom/Alarm-on the left/Motion Detection-across the top and select your camera under “Channel

  • Check off “Enable”, set your sensitivity and set your motion mask as needed

  • Interval” Is if Snapshots are selected for that motion detection to be sent in body of email


• “Schedule”, this arming schedule is setup for when you want this individual camera to send specific Actions selected. For instance, emails are sent 24/7 but Camera 1 only sends emails on Tuesday between 06:00-17:00
• “Copy/Paste” allows you to copy current channel and paste to another channel(s)


• “Action” make sure to check off “Send Email
•Below, click on “Snapshot” and check off the channel number if you would like a picture along with your email notification
•Click on “Save” to apply